Israel didn’t want Him.


When you imagine Jesus, what sort of person do you imagine? Is He tall? Does He have long hair and a beard? Is He muscular? Does He look like someone you know? I’m curious about this, and you should be too! It’s essential to think about the images and stories we associate with the Bible. We can often interpret scripture through the lens of our own experiences and culture without even realizing it.

Here’s the point. When Jesus arrived in Judea to start his ministry, the Jewish people were hoping for a certain kind of messiah. They hoped for a King David type to come and liberate them from their political enemies. Perhaps the Messiah would finally establish their supremacy among the pagans. Is that who they got? No, it isn’t, and many rejected Jesus on this idea alone.

Now, we could look at ancient Israel from afar and say that they were just an ignorant people. Surely, this has nothing to do with ME.

Well, let’s see. When you think about ‘Truth,’ what is the first thing that comes to mind? Is it the kind of truth that will put your rivals to shame? What about terms like ‘strength,’ ‘neighbor,’ and ‘justice’? Our cultural perspectives and experiences can easily color these biblical concepts.

It is the same with your ideas about being saved. Many Christians in this country have resorted to hoping for a political savior to bring us back to our glory days as a country. A spiritual savior is more of an abstract idea. Brothers and sisters, this is dangerous.

We are becoming like the Jewish people who did not accept Jesus into their hearts because Jesus did not meet their political hopes for a savior.

And Jesus addressed this. He challenged the religious leaders in their community more than He did the Roman leaders. He proclaimed that the kingdom of God was in loving your enemy, not in trying to subdue them. He declared that freedom was in living a righteous life, not simply in having political authority. This wasn’t hidden! Jesus wanted the heart of the Jewish people, not their political and social ambitions. Brothers and sisters, the same is true for us -at this time, right now. Be challenged, and let God search your heart.

So, here’s the challenge: we want to hear your story! It won’t be shared. What are the political stories you grew up with? Do you still hold onto them?

Ultimately, these things can color your understanding of scripture and maybe even your understanding of Christ.


Jesus. The political messiah.