Jesus. The political messiah.
In the United States today, American Christians are looking for a political messiah. Actually, we are creating our political messiah. We might not admit it. We might blame our actions on the “other side.” But it is an issue nonetheless.
The problem plainly is this: we hold our political views in the place of our faith. We evangelize our policy positions. We lift up the believers of our opinions. We excommunicate those who fall away… from our political tribe. And we believe that all of this is right! If not right, then it is necessary to bring about the kind of Christian society we want. And Jesus? We have our own image of Jesus. He will come to justify us against our political enemies, not change our hearts. He will put them to shame and command us to rule over them. Does any of this speak to your heart?
I will not condemn you if you subscribe to this way of thinking. I fell into the same trap. The gift of our faith is that there is grace. We are constantly being sanctified to become more like Jesus, but once we know better, we are called to do better and be better. Brothers and sisters, this matters. How we represent Christ to the World is crucial to answering the Great Commission.
This website will challenge you to reconsider how you act out your political opinions. At the One Flock Network, we won’t try to change your beliefs, but they will be challenged. We have all fallen short, but by confessing to one another and leaning on the teachings of scripture, we can strengthen the body of Christ.