“And there will be one flock

with one shepherd”.

Jesus declared that He is the Good Shepherd. He knows His sheep, and His sheep know Him. There should be only one Shepherd and one flock, but the American Church has allowed the partisanship of the world to be its shepherd. The divisions of the world have become the divisions of the Church. Brothers and sisters, this is not right. It’s time to let the Holy Spirit guide us back to unity under one Shepherd as one flock, a flock who listens to His voice.

Jesus. The Political Messiah.

The American Church is in a dangerous state. We’ve accepted perverted principles to maintain political dominance, forgetting the consequences. Be careful. We still have to give an account on the day of judgment. Many will say, “Lord, Lord,” and be turned away.

Beneath is an excerpt from the article “Jesus. The Political Messiah”. If any of this speaks to your heart like it did mine, continue reading the article.

We hold our political views in the place of our faith. We evangelize our policy positions. We lift up the believers of our opinions. We excommunicate those who fall away… from our political tribe.